Thursday, February 27, 2014

Are you new Executive Director? Do You Feel Like You're Going Out of Your Mind?

Executive Director - What Does It Mean For small to medium-sized organizations, the executive director is expected to do almost anything -? All! Preparing a newsletter for financial management, With huge. How can a man possibly do it all? That may be. But ... is it necessary? You can manage an ED CareerHow manage their careers and get everything done? Priority. What priority would you have? Does the organization? If yes, then you are going down the wrong career path.Your about you. Having a career is not about "work". It is not without reason called career development. The key word here is "progress". What it takes to do the best, long-term career for yourself? "I have so much to do. How can I fit in there too career development? "This has been the downfall of most new executive director or younger. So they are engrossed in their work, they forget about themselves. They use words like "special", "committed", "integrity", "do the best possible job", "I believe what we do" and so on. 

As soon as I heard words like these, I knew they were heading into saturation and worse.If have an MBA, what are you doing to answer the phone or do Bookkeeping? Is that what good management is about? Why do you work so hard and spend all that money to get an MBA and work stopped doing even that volunteers can do? How planning to go? How do you build partnerships? How do you use the knowledge you gained in your grade? Why did you get a degree in the first place if you are going to put yourself in this position? Non-Profit reasons ExistFirst and foremost, a non-profit organization business.

The difference between profit and non-profit companies that produce products or services provided in the sectors of our society that most people is not considered to be a practical business model. In other words, they can not make money at it as helping the poor, animals Salvage, housing families with sick children, etc. However, this does not mean that the non-profit can not make a profit. Many factors do.The is what draws people to the company. They believe in what the organization is trying to do.When an individual becomes an employee of a non-profit, the heart can take over and that's where the problem begins.What Can Do? I wrote a book to help ne eds get better path than to fall into their sword for the good of the organization. With more rational way to work. The book on Amazon and called, "The Savvy Executive Director".

Monday, February 24, 2014

Failed importance productivity

I recently attended an APM (Association for Project Management) annual conference in London. The overall theme is Adapt, and called on the profession of project management thinking to adapt to cope with the rising expectations of the people - the people who grew intolerant of failure and expect all projects succeed.One One of the most stimulating conference speaker Tim Harford, the Undercover Economist column writing for the Financial Times and author of Adapt: ​​Why Success Always Starts With Failure. He speaks more-for-less culture emerging from the financial crisis, and how people are still waiting for this trend to dissipate after the economy back feet.

But the fact that it was never happen.According in Harford, After each of our financial crisis continues to operate in under less scrutiny and have fewer resources. New benchmarks deliver better projects with less money and less time is here to stay. What does this mean for project managers we need to keep looking for new and better ways to optimize how we work, and that we have to justify costs of the project by the case business is well documented. But there is a catch for businesses that want to excel in a competitive environment.Don not stop 'on the side gainsOne the fastest and safest way of implementing the project optimization is to look at the formarginal advantage - an approach which We improve the tools, improve workflow and increase team motivation and interaction. You basically map the all moving parts of a project and looking for marginal improvements you can do - it has low risk and no-nonsense approach. Tweak here, tweak there, job done! But as Harford points out, you only get so far with marginal gains. Great quantum step and breakthrough did not come from optimization. These are from experiments and taking risks - measures that may be difficult to build a case for organizations where the perception is that the project is not allowed to fail.When you fail, fail productivelyBut as a project manager and an agent of change, we have to remind people that it's okay to experiment and fail - in fact it is necessary sometimes. 

How else can we see the ingenious new solutions to the problems of our clients? The key is to fail productivity, such as Harford put it. We must learn from our failures and accept that mistakes can be great as they really helped us improve and get closer to the end of goal.So us, how can we as a project manager fails to start productivity? Well, the first step is to understand and then meet the following adverse risk roadblocks.Roadblock 1: Want to match the depth you want to fit in and therefore shy away from taking risks. Many of us are encouraged to conform to social standards for all of our lives - especially during our school years. Some people want to put their reputation at risk by supporting ideas and initiatives that may not work. The point here is that we both fear of failure and not enough.Solution:Before you elaborate solution or approve some way to the front, make sure you have identified all possible options - including high- risk. The trick is to not automatically adjust the high-risk option for fear that they will fail or be rejected. Instead, look at them objectively and assessed whether the potential benefits may outweigh the risks. Also be aware of what the worst case scenario and how you - and organizations - will face them. Often the worst case scenario is more manageable than we initially imagine.Roadblock 2: The more-for-cultureBudgets often crowded and many organizations are increasing demands for perfection, smoothness and precision. The more-for-more-culture means that managers are expected to provide the project with a budget and time frame previously agreed. Then, they chose the safe option that gives them a quick victory and a quick results.Solution:Show sponsor decision-makers and lower risk equivalent benefits that may be a small, and very innovation is associated with risk-taking. 

You can do this by creating a compelling business case that demonstrates the potential long-term benefits of taking a higher risk strategy. Also generate extra buffer to plan and budget taking into account the uncertainty and changes throughout way.Roadblock 3: We often get angry with ourselves when we fail. And instead use our failures productivity and improve it, we let our brains shut down. We go to crisis mode, and make more mistakes and poor decisions.Solution:Remind yourself and others that there is no such thing as failure - only feedback about what works and what does not. To avert a crisis, first identify all the ways in which the failure of perceived benefit to you or the team, such as: new knowledge, insight, experience, process improvement, etc. Also see what you can do to change the situation so that you get better results next time. This is why only one post-project evaluation and risk triages so's your IQ important.What '? So now left is to assess your own attitude to risk, and determine how much experimentation and creativity put into the beginning of the project. 

Some questions to ask yourself: Are you the type of manager who'd have to be on the safe side? A person who operate within the parameters given to you and who is focused on optimizing and marginal benefit? Or are you a leader who does what is right for the team and the organization regardless of the argument? Do you understand that at certain times, it's time to experiment and to put your own reputation at risk for the better? These are a few questions to get you thinking. Tell us your thoughts and experience to take a risk on your project. How else can we fail productivity and create significant risks in the workplace?